Sara Cifani
Content Director

Current Role
I'm a B2B Content Director at Dumpsters.com with 9+ years of content marketing experience. I write, edit and strategize compelling copy that engages our audiences and answers their questions. Passionate about career growth, I motivate our team with ongoing support to sharpen their editorial talents and inspire innovative content ideas. I've authored our in-depth resource for our moving audience, and often blog about interior design, DIY project tutorials and sustainability trends. With a love for interviews, I've enjoyed collaborating with well-known industry names like Kohler, EnergyStar and HomeZada. My writing has been featured in Waste Advantage Magazine and referenced by Today, Realtor.com and more.
Past Experience
Prior to Dumpsters.com, I worked for an international digital and print publication, where I wrote about sustainable lifestyle tips, organic health and beauty products and eco-friendly travel destinations.
Outside of Work
Outside of writing, I also enjoy art, travel, yoga and meditation.