Chad Lutz
B2B Content Specialist

Current Role
I’m a B2B content specialist for Dumpsters.com. I’m an established author and former professional athlete with more than 10 years of experience writing content for the web. In my role, I write for the brand blog, support sales, build webpages and collaborate on creative projects for the premier, enterprise and commercial divisions. My favorite subject to write about is the solar industry because I'm genuinely interested in renewable energy. I also really enjoy demonstrating how we help our customers meet their goals with success stories.
Past Experience
After receiving an MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College in Oakland, California, I moved back home to Ohio to work in the restaurant industry, helping family and friends for four years before joining Dumpsters.com. As an editor for Pretty Owl Poetry, I wrote, built, and sent the press newsletter, edited content for publication and performed community outreach. I enjoy being a team player and putting in hard work, especially writing for an audience.
My writing has been featured in over 125 publications and distributed in five countries. I’ve won three writing awards, including two for short stories and an award for my first novel.
Outside of Work
My main interests include running, writing, hiking, reading, playing bass and drinking coffee.